These children deserve a better future. Its time we help them see the light. And it begins with you. Please, let’s come together to help these innocent children get access to quality basic education. Let love lead the way.
Hope for education and development – Head Ghana is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Charity. Founded in 2008, we are committed to the enhancement of useful education to under-privileged children in Northern Ghana by providing children with basic educational needs.
HEAD-Ghana is a local, non-governmental, non-political, non-religious, non-profitable and non-tribal based organization founded on research conducted in a number of deprived communities, according to the willingness of the people themselves. Individuals participate in decision-making through free discussion, allowing understanding for all involved. This provides the optimum way to solve the present educational and socio-economic problems.
HEAD-Ghana is dedicated to enhance the quality of education for marginalized children and to contribute to the development of security for women and children living in deprived areas. Through a structured intervention and advocacy programme, we offer opportunities for development in their local environment and improve the current situation of their rural economy.
Our Work
HEAD Ghana is committed to include the provision of basic needs to enhance basic education, food, life skills, job training and placement. This includes construction of schools and other life improving services targeting disadvantaged children, women, including orphans and vulnerable children. Working closely in line with national, governmental, non-governmental organizations, international charities and volunteers, the program seeks to increase its effectiveness in improving the lives of women and children.
Our Mission
HEAD Ghana is committed that every child in the deprived rural communities have access to sustainable education and that the marginalized rural women gain an equitable system of livelihood that can be sustained.
Our Vision
HEAD Ghana is committed to helping the under-privileged children in Northern Ghana by providing children with basic educational materials, building schools where they are highly needed and empowering rural women with the capacity for socio-economic security. Our objective is to form a socially, financially, environmentally and educationally self-sustaining model that is accessible to everyone.
Let us know what you can do. Please contact us for more information.
Address: Kakpagyili, +23337 Tamale, Ghana
Email: admin@headghana.com
Phone: +233262150001